260+ Best Happy National Nurses Day for Instagram & Twitter

Happy National Nurses Day: To express our appreciation for all that you do, we’re donating to support the development of the National Nurses Day website ( www.nationalnursesday.org ), where you can join us and add your voice to thank and honor nursing professionals in your neighborhood and across America.

May 6 is National Nurses Day, the day of the year to recognize and honor nurses for their service and dedication. This is also an opportunity for us to thank you, as a member of the Merck Community, for all that you do.

National Nurses Week (May 6–12) honors the contributions nurses make to their patients, profession, and community.  Presented by the ANA and its partners, this annual event calls on Americans everywhere to thank nurses for all they do and to support healthy nurses on their journey to a better future for everyone.  Nurses save lives every day. They are the largest group of healthcare workers in America, with 1.6 million individuals practicing in more than 100 different specialties. So thank a nurse—it’s easy to say “thank you” by telling them that they are valued members of society!

Nurses are more than caregivers. Nurses are partners in health. When you love your job, patients feel it and respond. Whether it’s a smile, a comforting touch or a chat about the weather, your touch matters – in ways that are tangible and measurable.


Happy National Nurses Day


  • When it comes to your patients, you’re endlessly selfless. And on Nurses Day (Wednesday, May 6th), it’s time to do something just for you.
  • On November 12, you’re going to do something special for yourself. You’ll have a spa day. You’ll eat out with friends and family. You’ll celebrate being incredible and important in the lives of your patients every day.
  • Getting away from the hectic hospital is essential to the mental health and well-being of any nurse. Being together with your family allows you to be relaxed and ready for daily service.
  • Our dedicated and loving team of nurses wants to make your family’s lives a little easier. We deliver meals to nursing homes, hospitals, and assisted living facilities for the purpose of ensuring every nurse gets a well-deserved break.
  • Dear Nurse, Sometimes it feels like the responsibility of a nursing job is enough to wear anyone down. Don’t you deserve some time away from your job? Enjoy time at home with your family, refresh yourself, and be a better nurse tomorrow.
  • That’s why we’ve made it our mission to help New York nurses get a well-deserved break – and to do it affordably.
  • We understand that it can be difficult to take breaks as a busy nurse. However, you are the backbone of our society. You deserve time for yourself to relax and recharge.
  • You deserve to get the break you’ve been looking forward to. Take some time to relax with your family and regain that sense of happiness when all you want to do is help people.
  • No one deserves a break more than you. Your hard work is something we should all appreciate, and we want to make sure your life is as easy as possible.


  • Happy National Nurses Day to all of you who are caring for the people in your life — friends, family, and strangers alike. ☺
  • Your health is our most precious resource. We have nurses to thank for that. ❤❤😊 #nationalnursesday
  • May you be showered with more gratitude than you can handle. Thanks for everything that you do 😘 #nursesday #nationalnursesday
  • We are the voice that soothes. The hand that reaches out. The heart that listens. On this day we honor you. #nationalnursesday
  • To whom it may concern: thank you for holding my hand when I am in need; may you always be appreciated and valued. And, of course, happy nurses’ day!
  • Celebrating the two-million nurses in the US who so selflessly devote their lives to helping, healing and caring for others. ❤️
  • Every day is a day to celebrate nurses who work so hard to make sure that everyone around them stays healthy. To all the nurses out there, thank you so much for everything that you do!
  • On this special day, remember to thank a nurse. They are the heartbeat of our health care system and the reason so many people get healthy every day.
  • On this special day, we honor the women (and men!) who wear their hearts on their sleeves—or, in this case, nurse’s caps. We salute you.
  • Rosemary loves being a nurse 💚🍂 #nursesday
  • We have nurses to thank for that. Your health is our most precious resource. ❤❤😊
  • We care deeply about our patients, and that’s why we have nurses to thank for that.
  • Our nurses are a special part of our team. They’re the ones to thank for helping us keep our health as our most precious resource. Congratulations and Thank You to all of you!
  • We have nurses to thank for one of our most precious resources
  • We’re here to celebrate the hard-working nurses in our lives. Feel inspired to spread the love to other nurses on social media using
  • We take our health for granted. We’re lucky to have nurses like you to give us the care we deserve. Thank you for all that you do.
  • We want every single one of our patients to have the happiest, safest, and healthiest experience. Thank you nurses for all you do to make this happen!
  • Happy National Nurses Day! ☺¨
  • There’s a difference between someone who is kind and someone who is brave. A kind person will hold your hand as you cross a street, but a brave person will step in front of the truck to save you. And nurses? They are undeniably both. Happy National Nurses Day to all the heroes out there.
  • The best part of National Nurses Day is that it not only celebrates the extraordinary nurses who heal us, but also gives us a chance to thank the remarkable individuals in our lives for all they do.
  • All of us at Nurse.com wish you a happy National Nurses Day!
  • National Nurses Day is a time for everyone to think about and show their appreciation to nurses for all they do.
  • As a thank you for nursing, we made special stickers for you to give a small token of appreciation to your nurses this weekend. Here’s how to join the festivities!
  • Don’t forget to say “thank you” to the nurses in your life. It’s nurses who keep our loved ones healthy and safe.


  • Happy National Nurses Day to all the nurses in the world who make a difference.
  • To all our nurses out there—we appreciate everything you do for us! Happy National Nurses Day. 🙂 #nationalnursesday
  • There are some things only a nurse can understand… Like the difference between a physician’s stethoscope and a roll of paper towels. Happy National Nurses Day!
  • Aww thank you for everything you do! I hope I can return the favor when my time comes. Happy National Nurse’s Day!!! #NND2017
  • Happy #NationalNursesDay to all the nurses who touch our lives in so many ways! We Heart Nurses.
  • Happy #NationalNursesDay to our favorite bedside buddy. Thank you for helping to keep us healthy and happy 💫 #CVRx
  • When you’re with your favorite nurse. #nationalnursesday #nursesrock
  • Celebrating #NationalNursesDay with gratitude for the people who touch our lives every day. Salute to nurses. Thank you. __
  • You make a difference every day. Today and always, thank you #nationalnursesday
  • A nurse is always there for you when you need it most. We stand with you on National Nurses Day and always. ❤️
  • Celebrate National Nurses Day and give your gratitude to all the wonderful nurses in your life.
  • Please join us in celebrating all of the nurses in the world who make a difference every day!
  • May 8 is a day to celebrate all those amazing nurses for their dedication and devotion to taking care of us when we’re sick.
  • Happy Nurses Day. Nurses make the world a better place.
  • Today, we honor the nurses that provide us with compassionate care. On this special day, we celebrate their selfless devotion. A big thank you to the nurses who keep us healthy and are always ready to save lives. We appreciate you!
  • Happy Nurse day to all the nurses out there! Thank you for being a part of our healthcare team!
  • The healthcare industry wouldn’t function without nurses. This day is a way to say “thank you” for all that they do.
  • To all our nurses out there—we appreciate everything you do for us! Remember to take a break every now and then, and do something for yourself. You deserve it!
  • At Amara Sleep, we are so lucky to have some of the most dedicated people on our team. You guys work hard every day to make sure that all of our patients have access to the high quality services and medical technology they deserve. Thank you for everything you do—not just on National Nurses Day, but every day. You rock!
  • On National Nurses Day, we say a big thank you to all the nurses out there for their dedication and here to say it’s great to have nurses on our side.
  • Happy National Nurses Day!
  • We hope that you all enjoy this celebration of hardworking nurses around the world. Here’s to seeing another year—we hope it’s a healthy one!
  • For all the nurses out there, thanks so much for what you do! All our love to you on
  • Thank you for all you do. (Watch the video below to learn how we’re thanking some of the amazing nurses on our team.)
  • There are some things only a nurse can understand… Like the difference between a physician’s stethoscope and a roll of paper towels. Thank you nurses for working so hard to keep us healthy!
  • Nurse humor is a language all its own. From LOL to OMG, nursing vernacular can be hilarious. It’s never been clearer that Nurses Day should fall on Funny Friday.
  • On National Nurses Day, we celebrate the millions of hardworking and dedicated nurses who provide care for our sick and ailing loved ones.
  • Thank you for being a nurse! You are special–your heart is bigger than your stethoscope. Birthdays are important, but so are the days in between them!
  • Keeping things copacetic. For the nurses who are constantly taking care of the world around us, we’re sending our best wishes for a day full of second chances and never-ending mugs of hot chocolate.
  • Whether you’re a nurse, recently graduated or still in training, we’ve got a gift to say thanks!
  • You may be a writer, an editor, a midwife or a nursing student. Regardless of your role in healthcare, it is the people and patients that keep you inspired to do what you do.
  • Aww thank you for everything you do! I hope I can return the favor when my time comes. Happy National Nurses Day!!!
  • Hi Sylvia, I just wanted to say how grateful I am for all that you have done for me. Wow! You have helped me a lot along my journey. Thank you again! I hope I can return the favor when my time comes. Happy National Nurse
  • Dear Nurses, I just wanted to say thank you for everything you do. I know it’s hard on patients (especially my mom). So, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!
  • Thanks for being such a great nurse!
  • Thank you for being such an awesome nurse!
  • As we celebrate National Nurses Day on May 6, we celebrate the undeniable importance of nurses in our lives. From helping us get through a cold to providing hands-on training for new parents, nurses provide invaluable care and service.
  • Hey there NN! You are the best
  • We Heart Nurses! Happy
  • National Nurses Day is a time to reflect on the abundance of love and appreciation so many of us have for the nurses who care for us.
  • National Nurses Day
  • Show your love and appreciation with nurses on
  • We love nurses because of their compassion.
  • A portion of every sale between now and March 20 will be donated to the National Association of Nurses. Get your Nurse Your Way t-shirt today.
  • What better way to celebrate the greatest professionals in the world than to show love for their hard work?
  • Happy National Nurses Day! A time to celebrate the incredible work nurses do every day.
  • __Nurses, we salute you for all your hard work, dedication, and support.
  • With so much to be grateful for, we’re sharing a big thank you with all of the nurses out there who care for others to make their lives better.
  • As nurses, you often go above and beyond for your patients. It is why we celebrate
  • Thank you to the nurses of the world, who take care of our families and us when we need them most. Happy
  • We are taking this time to honor and thank nurses for their hard work.
  • Show your gratitude by treating your favorite nurse to a small gift, or light a candle in their honor.
  • Thanks to our bedside buddy on National Nurses Day! We’ll take all the help we can get to stay healthy and happy!
  • Happy Nurses Day from the team at CVRx!
  • Wishing Nurse’s everywhere a Happy Nurse’s Day! You are appreciated❤️ and what a better way to show that then helping us keep healthy and happy!
  • You give so much to the people around you. And on this special day, we just want to say thank you for everything that you do.
  • Join us today in celebrating our nurses. Happy National Nurses Day!
  • Excuse us, nurse, we’ve got a few complaints here. We seem to be experiencing some minor discomfort and would appreciate your help in resolving the issues.
  • We wanted to thank the nurses who treat us, read to us, and take care of our needs every day. They’re the best at what they do!
  • A mentor, teacher, and confidante; a nurse is always there for you when you need it most. We stand with you on National Nurses Day and always.
  • Just like a good friend, your Registered Nurse gives you comfort and security in times of need. They’re by your side through every hospital visit, surgery, and treatment. And they’ll be there for you on National Nurses Day and always. ❤️
  • Celebrate National Nurses Day with us.
  • Each year on National Nurses Day, or any day, we give thanks for the unending care and compassion nurses bring to patients.
  • Our nurses make us so proud. They love what they do, and they’re never far from your side. ❤️
  • Always with you. All the way. It’s the promise of all nurses.
  • National Nurses Day is a great time to show your appreciation for the hardworking nurses in your community.
  • Celebrate National Nurses Day and give your gratitude to all the wonderful nurses in your life. Grateful for their help, giving their time for compassionate care.
  • National Nurses Day is a celebration of all the wonderful nurses in the world. A day to show your thanks for all they do to help you stay healthy and happy.
  • Thank a nurse today as we celebrate National Nurses Day 2018.
  • Did you know National Nurses Day is on May 12th? Let’s celebrate our nurses for all their hard work. You can send free hand-made flowers to any hospital.
  • Please share your heartfelt gratitude to your favorite nurses with a bouquet of flowers. Or, better yet, bring your favorite nurse a good bottle of wine.
  • Make your nurse smile with this fun guide to what nurses love and hate.
  • Celebrate Nurses Day. Nurses make the world a better place.
  • Nurses are some of the most incredible people we know. We’re so proud of you for all you do, and Happy Nurses Day.
  • Happy Nurses Day 2019 – A Memorable Nurses Day for you and your family.
  • Make the world a brighter place. Say thank you to a nurse today!
  • Doctors may save lives, but nurses make the world a better place.
  • In honor of Nurses Day, let’s celebrate the many contributions nurses make each day towards making a healthier world.
  • On this Nurses Day, we’re thanking all the amazing nurses out there who care for us when we are ill and keep us healthy!
  • May our ways of caring never run dry. Happy National Nurses day. #nationalnursesday
  • Happy #NationalNursesDay to all our Nurses! Thanks for everything you do 💕
  • Thank you for ALL you do! We are so lucky to have such incredible nurses and healthcare professionals in our lives. Happy National Nurses Week.
  • blushing because nurses are the ones who keep me alive everyday ••• #nationalnursesday #gotyourback
  • National Nurses Day is around the corner and we want to celebrate your favorite nurses in two special ways:
  • Have you hugged a nurse today? The incredible professionals who touch millions of lives every day, all across America. #NationalNursesDay
  • To all the nurses out there. We know you are the heart of our hospitals and we are thankful for that ❤️ #NationalNursesDay
  • To all the nurses out there putting in overtime—we couldn’t honor you more. Thank you for the kindness, compassion, and care you bring to the patients we love. #NationalNursesDay ##
  • Here’s to nurses and the important work they do. #nationalnursesday #ilovemyjob #istandwithnurses #thankful #showmeyourgilaforkto 😂
  • Thanks to all the nurses out there for everything they do – fighting disease, treating wounds, and helping us get better. #nationalnursesday #nursesunite
  • Thank you for all the hard work, late nights, and passion you put into your work! We are lucky to have such amazing healthcare professionals in our lives. Enjoy this week!
  • Thank you for all you do! It’s hard to believe it’s already May, but we have an entire month to celebrate the amazing nurses in our lives.
  • We love nurses, and we know you do too. So, this week we wanted to remind everyone just how valuable you are!
  • We want to say, thank you for all that you do. Nurses help us heal and recover. There’s no better feeling than getting better and knowing that our nurses were part of that process.
  • Happy Nurses Day to all the wonderful nurses in the world. Thanks for everything you do!
  • Thank you for ALWAYS being there for us. We hold you in the highest esteem.
  • We want to thank you for all that you’ve done, and hope you have a fantastic Nurses Week!
  • Here’s to nurses and the important work they do. Happy Nurses Day!
  • Lighten up and take a break. Here’s to nurses (with an awesome GIF)
  • Great job, nurses! Here’s to you for all of your hard work. 😄💪👏
  • You’re heroes. You’re professionals. You’re my family, and I am so grateful to have you in my life and community. “I love my job.”
  • Here’s to a job with meaning, opportunity, and satisfaction. To a career that is equal parts fun and rewarding. And to nurses whose compassion changes lives every day.
  • For Nurses everywhere, we partnered with Zazzle to create a special collection to celebrate
  • I’m lucky, to have three nurses who saved my life. Happy Nurses Day!


Nurses Day Theme 2023

1. “Honoring Our Heroes: Celebrating Nurses of Tomorrow”
2. “Empowering Nurses: Building a Resilient Healthcare Future”
3. “Nurturing Compassion: Embracing the Heart of Nursing”
4. “Unveiling the Strength Within: A Tribute to Nurses”
5. “From the Frontlines to Beyond: Nurses Paving the Path”
6. “Transforming Care, Touching Lives: Nurses Making a Difference”
7. “Innovation in Nursing: Embracing Change for a Healthier World”
8. “Leading with Purpose: Inspiring Nurses to Shape the Future”
9. “Resilience and Renewal: Honoring Nurses’ Dedication and Commitment”
10. “Bridging Gaps, Breaking Barriers: Nurses as Catalysts for Change”
11. “Celebrating Diversity: Nurses Shaping an Inclusive Healthcare Landscape”
12. “Embracing New Horizons: Nurses Driving Healthcare Innovation”

Nurses Day Speech

1. “Nurses: The Unsung Heroes of Our Healthcare System”
2. “Honoring the Dedication and Compassion of Nurses Worldwide”
3. “A Call to Action: Recognizing the Critical Role of Nurses”
4. “Nursing: A Profession of Heart, Skill, and Service”
5. “Celebrating Nurses: Inspiring Change, Empowering Care”
6. “In Gratitude to the Guardians of Health: Our Nurses”
7. “The Power of Nursing: Touching Lives, Healing Hearts”
8. “Nurses as Advocates: Amplifying Voices, Enriching Lives”
9. “Embracing Challenges, Embodying Resilience: Nurses’ Triumph”
10. “The Changing Landscape of Nursing: Adapting to New Realities”
11. “The Healing Touch: Nurses Bringing Comfort and Care”
12. “Nursing: A Journey of Compassion, Dedication, and Lifelong Learning”

12 May Nurses Day

1. “Wishing a Happy Nurses Day on 12th May!”
2. “Celebrating the Remarkable Contributions of Nurses on May 12th”
3. “Marking a Special Day: Happy Nurses Day, May 12th!”
4. “Honoring Nurses on their Dedicated Day: May 12th”
5. “Cheers to Nurses: May 12th, a Day of Appreciation and Gratitude”
6. “Remembering the Significant Role of Nurses on May 12th”
7. “Sending Warm Wishes on Nurses Day: May 12th, a Day to Celebrate”
8. “Commemorating the Courage and Care of Nurses on May 12th”
9. “May 12th: A Day to Thank and Honor Nurses Worldwide”
10. “Celebrating the Heart and Soul of Nursing on May 12th”
11. “Nurses Day Special: Recognizing the Extraordinary Efforts on May 12th”
12. “Happy Nurses Day! May 12th, a Day to Acknowledge Your Dedication”

Happy Nurses Week Message

1. “To all the incredible nurses: Wishing you a Happy Nurses Week filled with appreciation and gratitude!”
2. “During this Nurses Week, we celebrate your selflessness, dedication, and unwavering compassion. Thank you!”
3. “Happy Nurses Week to the superheroes in scrubs! Your work inspires us all.”
4. “This Nurses Week, we honor your tireless efforts and the difference you make in the lives of countless patients. Thank you for being amazing!”
5. “Wishing a fantastic Nurses Week to my sister, a caring and compassionate nurse. Your commitment to healing is truly admirable!”
6. “To my sister on Nurses Week: Your passion for nursing shines through in everything you do. Thank you for being an inspiration!”
7. “Happy Nurses Week to an extraordinary sister and nurse! Your kindness and expertise touch lives every day.”
8. “On Nurses Week, I want to express my deepest gratitude to my sister, who tirelessly serves with love and compassion. You are truly exceptional!”
9. “To my sister, a dedicated nurse: Happy Nurses Week! Your commitment to caring for others is truly remarkable.”
10. “Sending heartfelt wishes to my sister on Nurses Week. Your unwavering dedication and kindness make you an exceptional nurse!”
11. “Wishing my sister a very Happy Nurses Week! Your compassion and dedication to patient care are truly inspiring.”
12. “To my amazing sister: Happy Nurses Week! Thank you for your tireless efforts and the impact you make every day.”



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